
Parent Expectations

 Parents are solely responsible to ensure their child is properly registered and outfitted for tryouts. This includes accurate contact information, waivers, and tryout fee. Failure to do so may hamper your athlete’s ability to make a team. All general information handouts concerning practice locations and times, tournaments, player fees, etc. will be provided before and at tryouts along with a brief parent meeting. If a parent has any questions regarding the coaching staff, practice/tournament schedule, player fees, or the program in general, please send an email prior to tryouts or ask at the parent meeting. Again, ALL tryouts are closed to spectators. Please arrange transportation accordingly.

 Coach Expectations

 All coaches need to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of tryouts to allow ample time to configure gym space. The team requires additional coaches to check-in athletes and facilitate the tryout process. Coaches must record comparative notes on players so they can make selections based upon skill and overall team goals. OvaLookD Select advises each coach to consider the appropriate number of players which may exceed the team roster (12) in preparation of any players that may decline the roster. Understand that tryout numbers are often very large and time very limited, so as such, do not take time to coach, correct, or thoroughly explain drills. Set up the drills or scrimmages quickly, start them, and then observe and record.

Upon conclusion of tryouts, all coaches need to meet for a mandatory post tryout review to discuss potential team(s) and team candidates.

 Eligibility Paperwork

 All players will be required to turn in a 1) copy of their birth certificate and 2) a copy of their report card to the team coach before the first tournament. The coach will then keep all players eligibility paperwork in a binder to be used to show proof of age and grade at tournaments. ALL players must register with AAU to be eligible for tournament play.

 Travel Costs

Parents are responsible for the additional costs of travel, including transportation and lodging. Often times, teams are able to carpool to tournaments, so there are no transportation costs, but large van rental is sometimes necessary. There are, however, almost always lodging costs.

Parent Expectations

 Parents’ most important role is to support their child, team, coach, and Program. Players will undoubtedly have a hard practice or a rough tournament, and it is the parents’ job to support the overarching goals the team is striving to achieve. Please remember,

“your child’s success or lack of success on the court does not indicate what kind of parent you are. But, having an athlete that is coachable, respectful, a great teammate, mentally tough, resilient and who tries their best is a direct reflection on your parenting.”

 Overall Commitment

 Parents will support their players by positively cheering, not coaching or officiating. Parents will assume financial responsibility and pay in a timely manner. Parents will do their best to ensure players arrive to events on time. Lastly, parents will be amicable to all parents, players, coaches, and referees.

 Parent Code of Conduct

 1. I understand that I am representing OvaLookD Select, and I will always do my

best to positively represent the organization and its values.

2. I promise to let the coaches coach and will not coach my child or child’s team from the sidelines during practices or games.

3. I promise to let the referees officiate the games and will not yell at them or berate them before, during, or after games.

4. I will do my job as a parent, which means that I will not speak negatively about any coach or player, but rather positively encourage and support my child and my child’s teammates and coaches.

5. I will abide by the “24 Hour Rule”, which means I will not speak to my child’s coach about playing time or game strategy within 24 hours after a game end.

Communication with Coaches and Staff

Should any questions or concerns arise pertaining to your child’s status with regard to their team, parents should follow the process of discussion described below in order to understand the situation: If players have concern(s), they are encouraged to first reach out to the coach for a one-on-one phone call or meeting.

1. If there is still concern following the player coach meeting or phone call, then parent(s) and player(s) will set up a mutually agreed upon phone call or meeting with the head coach.

2. No discussion will take place during practice times or on game days. Although this might require patience, please realize the coach is responsible for the entire team and should not be expected to focus on one individual at crucial team events.

3. If concern(s) still exist on behalf of any party, a phone call or meeting involving the SCB Director, head coach, player(s) and parent(s) may be warranted to seek resolution. Only after such meeting will the matter be resolved and closed.

All problems and concerns are vetted only in a scheduled phone call or meeting. All outcomes will be confidential and private. Please refrain from sending inappropriate or accusatory emails to any staff, coaches, team representatives or fellow parents.

 Player Expectations

Players are expected to maintain a Program and team first attitude. Players should expect to learn and continue to build upon their fundamentals. Likewise, players will learn about the strategic basketball game, including offensive and defensive systems. Most of all, players and teams are expected to…

“play tough, play smart, and play together”.


Overall Commitment

 Players are to attend all practices, tournaments, and team/Program events.


Player Code of Conduct

 1. I understand that I am representing OvaLookD Select, and I will always do my best to positively represent the organization and its values.

2. I will demonstrate good sportsmanship, which means I will be respectful of all players, coaches, referees, and parents.

3. I will not whine, complain, make excuses, or pout when things do not go my way.

4. I promise to be as enthusiastic about the success and accomplishments of my teammates as I am of my own.

5. I will abide by the “24 Hour Rule”, which means I will not speak to my coach about playing time or game strategy within 24 hours after a game end.

Communication with Coaches

Players should email, call, or text coaches to set up a time outside of practice and tournaments to discuss skill development, playing time, team chemistry or other issues that may arise.

Coaches will talk or meet with players in a public, neutral area to discuss the player’s concerns. Coaches will give direct feedback to players to use as a guideline for resolving the issue. Players are expected to reply to coach emails within a timely manner.

 Coach Expectations

 Coaches are the foundation of OvaLookD Select and our Select teams, and with this comes a huge amount of responsibility. Coaches are expected to be prepared for practices and games and constantly be teaching their players in a demanding, yet positive manner. Winning is not the priority, but coach to win. However, coaches should also never sacrifice the development an individual player or the team for the sake of winning. Coaches are to help build the basketball and life skills of players first and foremost.


Overall Commitment

 Coaches are expected to attend all practices and games.

• Coaches should arrive at least 15 minutes early to practices and be prepared run effective and challenging practices.

• Coaches should arrive at least 20 minutes early to games in proper coaching attire as well as with 12 basketballs and a coach’s dry erase board.

• If coaches are going to miss a practice, game, or tournament, notify the director or other authorized point of contact so that we can find a replacement coach.

• Coaches are responsible for handing out and recollecting all game uniforms.


Coach Code of Conduct

 1. I understand that I am representing OvaLookD Select, and I will always do my best to positively represent the organization and its values.

2. I understand that the goals of OvaLookD Select teams are for each player to improve and (hopefully) have fun, and these goals take precedent over my desire to prove my coaching prowess and win championships.

3. I will treat all players, parents, coaches, and referees with respect at all times.

4. I will do my best to teach and motivate my players in a demanding, yet positive and (mostly) fun environment.

5. I will abide by the “24 Hour Rule”, which means I will not speak to my coach about playing time or game strategy within 24 hours after a game end.

Communication with Director, Parents, and Players

Email will be the primary form of communication, however texting or calling may be required in some cases.


 Coaches will communicate on a regular basis regarding player and team updates, issues, suggestions, etc. as well as their own potential practice, game, or tournament conflicts. If a major issue arises, coaches will communicate with the director.


 It is the responsibility of the coach to effectively outline practice, tournament, and team expectations with all parents. Promptly send details regarding tournament schedules, arrival times, game times, break times, and dismissal times.


Give players consistent feedback regarding their skill development and play throughout the season. If a meeting is necessary, coaches should meet in a public, neutral place.

 Grievance Policy (24-Hour Rule)

 All grievances need to wait at least 24 hours before reaching out to coaches to set up a phone call or meeting. Taking time to let initial feelings subside allows for logical, controlled discussion.

Playing Time

Equal playing time is NOT guaranteed. All players will get a chance to play and potentially earn more minutes, but the majority of minutes will go to those players who earn it and give the team the best chance to compete and/or win. Families pay to learn skills, drills, and concepts in practice and do not pay for playing time in games. We believe earning what you get (in this

case, playing time) is a major life lesson.



Winning is not guaranteed. In fact, some teams may lose more games than they win. OvaLookD select will do it’s best to find tournaments and games with teams of similar skill level, but this can often times be difficult and is never guaranteed. No matter the win-loss record of the team, coaches, players, and parents will remain positive and stay focused on constant improvement.


If a player misses more than 6 practices, a meeting will take place with the player, parent, and coach to discuss the future of the player on the team.

 Risk Management

 All Program members are required to have accidental/medical insurance that will cover them in the event of injury or illness.

Release Liability

By signing this Program Policies and Procedures Manual, coaches and parents agree to the below Release and Waiver.

I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless OvaLookD Select Basketball its parent, subsidiary and affiliated entities and/or any officers, partners, members, directors, coaches, employees, servants, agents, licensees and assigns of any of the foregoing, from and against any and all suits, awards, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees and related costs) arising out of injury or damages to participant in connection with his/her participation in any OvaLookD Select Basketball program or event. I hereby authorize OvaLookD Select Basketball to act for me according to their best judgment in any medical emergency situations.

Participant agrees that any pictures, audio, or visual recordings taken of him/her in connection with the seminar can be used for publication, promotion, articles, shows and advertisement without additional consent and without compensation at this time or any other time.


Safety Policies and Procedures

The development of OvaLookD Select Basketball Safety Policies and Procedures is not meant to be punitive, but rather designed to protect everyone involved. The below points are to be enforced among directors, coaches, players, and parents.

● Directors and coaches will avoid being alone with a player in nonpublic settings, including but not limited to cars and hotel rooms.

● At no time will a director, coach, or parent verbally, physically, or sexually abuse a player.

● Directors and coaches will not buy gifts or give money to players.

● Directors and coaches will avoid fraternization with players in non-sanctioned settings.

● Profanity is prohibited.

● Parents and/or guardians of players ejected from games will require written notification

by the coach to the director within 24 hours of the incident. Such incidents will be investigated, and suspension or expulsion from the program will be considered.

● Other incidents of inappropriate behavior by coaches, parents, and/or players including physical or verbal altercations, threats, and related activities at games or team events will be reported to the director within 24 hours, and suspension or expulsion from the Program will be considered.

● Player and parent personal information including phone number, email, home address, etc. will not be disseminated without prior consent from said player or parent.

Emergency Procedure

In the event of an emergency, the coach onsite will contact all appropriate medical and protection agencies and then notify the director.

Grounds for Program Membership Termination

Every effort will be made to ensure the positive experience for all players and parent members involved. Player dismissal is a right reserved by the organization for use as a last resort when all other resources of conflict resolution have been exhausted. Any player dismissed by authority of the director through the infraction of the stated organization rules (player or parent) will still be held liable for any and all outstanding membership fees and program dues as outlined at the beginning of the season and will not be entitled to a refund of any such fees paid to the organization.

 Parent/Player/Coach Agreement Form

 Acknowledgment and Receipt of Policies & Procedures Handbook